We had an outing with Mdm Rokiah, her son and her daughter in March. Ltey gak la cari spot yang best nie. 1stly decided nak tengok movie but that time, xde cite yang best. Moreover, yang gi gak mase tu were Iwa and Mira. Iwa x tengok movie. So, xkan la kitorang nak tengok movie and bia dy sorang2 lak. So, we were thinking of Teluk Batik. So, kami pun bertolak dalam kol 3pm camtu. I wasn't so sure why I slept all the way there and when the car stopped, I woke up and said... "Oo... Nie ke Teluk Batik. api, Why cam x sampa 15minutes pun rase..." It turned out that it took bout 1 hour and a half to reach there and on the way, they decided tro change the detination. Name tempat tu, Teluk Assam. Dekat2 ngan Batu Maung kot. Huhu. Menarik tapi xde pape. But it's okay. I love going to the beaches. A perfect spot to sit and release the stress :) So, over there we spent bout 2 hours. Here are some piccies my friend took over there.
Sampai2 je kan, terserempak ikan nie terdampar. Kesian dy :( There were several ikan lagi yang mati kat c2 tp x tau pe name ikan tu. Ikan nie dipanggil Ikan Todak (kot. Hehe). I wonder what caused their death.
After that, we went to seagate utk dinner. Madam belanja. Makasey! :D
Pic before makan :) Masa tgh mkn x de amek pic. Semua leka ngn makanan coz kelaparan.
nak ikot jalan2!!
haha. ley2. tp kmu kne bg ku ikot kamu jln2 :D
takleh. wekkk :p
hahaha elelele majok laks. :p
Hehe. Xpe. I know u just cant refuse me following u :D
teluk assam?
cm bes jer..
nk g la nnt
Huhu. Tp nothing pn. Klu ske dok menikmati pemandangan je bes r :)
"I wasn't so sure why I slept all the way there and when the car stopped,"
ilya x sure y tido all way there?waa..so kat school dlu pun xsure la y salu lalok kat class eh..hhehehehe..funny!
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