Uh, okay. May I ask, what actually is our assignment? I just know that everyone's so worried bout it but I don't know at all what am I supposed to do. So, last night, I asked my roommate what were the assignments given? And she replied my message:
1. LNL - Kohlberg n Piaget (1800 words)
2. CM - Reward n punishment essay (1000 words)
3. CM - Active Log 3
4. SE - Folio
5. SE - Report (1500 words)
6. SE - Reflection
5. ELT - Language Learning Approaches (2500 words)
6. That's all dear...hehe
Okay, when I read that message, I was starting to get worried. Only 4 days left and I haven't started a single thing. Nooo~! What's worse is that I don't know how to do the 2nd and both 4th assignment. I don't even know exactly how many words I'm supposed to do. Aiyoyo~
I was in a hurry that day. So, I didn't get the chance to bring all my assignments home :( Too bad for me. *Sigh~
But, whatever it is, I have to finish first the game that I'm playing. Hehe. :)
Help me~!!
+ oral presentation lol! hahaha... ll 1800 je.. nk rajin eh tambah 200?
o yeah?
hahah. i dunno~
Thanx for the new info (for me la. haha)
u're a bad influence to me...
bad bad influence...
u two both r my bad influence.. really2 bad..
thanx god...
aku jenis buat asimen awal2...
hahaha, yeke????
Hi, TQ 4 coming by my blog. Now, one question. How come u didn't know about the assignments? I hope you find enough time to finish eh? All the best. :o)
lambatnya hantar SE report..yg school experience eh..kitorg hantar week after gi observe..giler arhh sesak nafas dibuatnye..haha
b4 start buat assignment..
mesti kene main game dulu.
so yeah!!
erk.. ;P
Chris, ure a bad influence to me too. Bad bad influence!
Haha, PD, xbaik tuduh yg bukan2.
hAha. bgos2 whai tukang buat sushi. susah nk jmpe org cmtuh skrg :P
Haha. Bubbles, i do know bout the esaimen but then, i dn think much bout it, thus resulting in the blurrity (this word doesnt exist :P im the creator)
Att, our institute kne tutup H1N1 ari tuh. datz y la kitorg x ley nk submit the reports straight after SE. Huhu
arque, thanx for agreeing! :D
Chipsmore, it sounded pelik wen u said "byknye ass" haha. comel. thanx for the 'smoga berjaya' wish :D
se report ngn se reflection len eh???
bkn kna wat 1 je ke..??
nisya, haha. kn dh jelas2 kate yg i dunno wt's d esaimen. hehe. thanx2 btau :D
asignment kalau buat last2 minit baru ada feel..barulah cargas kepala otak..tp kalau org yg tak ble tahan buleh jd gila..
jom exchange link
haha. mmg ley jd gila :)
report.reflection n elt nya essay.hahaha...sungguh xbesh.
haha. xperlu bgtau p, i oredy noe
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